“Both side of the same coin”
Professor Robert Hierner is a double board-certified specialist in:
Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery & Regenerative Surgery
Hand Surgery & Hand Medicine
Experience, Quality, and Excellence: Professor Robert Hierner is one of the most distinguished Plastic Surgeons and Hand Surgeons in Germany with an excellent international reputation and over 30 years of professional experience at renowned universities and institutions around the world.

Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery & Regenerative Medicine
Due to top training in national and international top centers and many years of experience, Professor Dr Robert Hierner offers a wide range of special services in Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery at the highest level such as:

Professor Robert Hierner is the Editor of the standard textbook of Plastic Surgery in german language in 5 Volumes

Hand Surgery & Hand Medicine
Professor Robert Hierner is a Founding Member of Hand Medicine. He has a lot of specific knowledge and experience in Hand Surgery for congenital malformations, trauma including brachial plexus and peripheral nerves, and aging hand (Degenerative Arthritis, Hand Rejuvenation)
Professor Robert Hierner is the Editor of the standard textbook of hand surgery in german language and the standard textbook of defect reconstruction at the hand and upper limb
Patient Journey
With our Patients every Step of the Way during your Patient Journey

Intial Enquiry
An opportunity to ask about procedure and get a good understanding of what to expect without giving up much time

Prof. Dr. Robert Hierner discusses your requirements, expectations, and possibilities of treatment. This can be done online or in-person

Preoperative Assessment
Once you are happy and proceed we will book for a preoperative photo documentation, blood test, ECG (optional) and preoperative Anesthesia consultation. Depending on your general health, other examination may be necessary.

Day of Surgery
Prof. Dr. Robert Hierner will see you before surgery for the final discussion on preoperative markings. After sucessful surgery we will adivise you (and your relatives) on pain relief, dressing and showering.

Discharge of Hospital
The day after surgery Prof. Dr. Robert Hierner will visit you at the hospital, discuss with you the surgery, discuss the postoperative care (pain relief, medication, positioning, mobilisation, stress, shower, …) and discharge you from the hospital. You will receive a complete medical report with detailed postoperative care orders.
We are only a phone call away if you have any questions or need help during recovery. Our patients are offered a 24/7 hotline

+971 542460728

+968 93212407

Postoperative Care & Rehabilitation
There is no Plastic Surgery without Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation helps the natural healing process and therefore is essential to maximize your Plastic Surgery result.

Postoperative follow up Consultation
There are regular follow – up consultations scheduled with Prof. Dr. Robert Hierner. This gives you the great opportunity to review the surgery and the postoperative course, as well as the final result (final photo documentation). Consultation are free of charge for one year




Patient Experience
Patient feedback and reviews is of outmost importance for our mission to constantly improve our services. If you want to shre your personal experience with ther patients we are happy to include you in our Patient Buddy System

Patient Testimonials


Patient Testimonials

Speak with one of our patients who had the same procedure (optional)
Request specific patient information around your surgery & rehabilitation
Patient testimonials, Case studies, before & after photos from patients with the same procedure